how LWL coaching works
The underpinning theory and foundations of my work are firmly rooted in established and respected approaches and methods used in leadership, business and personal growth. I am sensitive to finding the right approach for each of my clients. I work creatively, and I respond to what emerges in the coaching session, so you can see what you need to see and can shift your understanding and perspective on any issue you bring into the coaching space. In this way you become better able to create new options for yourself – not only in your behaviour but also in the way you see yourself in the world.
While I’m not wedded to any specific approach, and I use a broad range of techniques, I am psychologically- and systemically-minded, and my coaching draws in particular on Gestalt theory and mindfulness, which values the relationship between the coach and client as the vehicle of change, works in the ‘here and now’ with whatever presents in your coaching session, and encourages you to have a curious and experimental approach to take practical action with the insights gained from your coaching. Gestalt is open to a wide range of approaches and models, and is not constrained by any particular tools or techniques. I bring a systemic perspective that opens up your understanding of your relationships and impact: while I’m very interested in you as an individual, I also see you as part of the various systems you’re part of, and I’m interested in those systems because they influence you and your behaviours in a variety of ways. Together we create options for change, and I will work with you to evaluate those options so that you can decide how you want to go forward.
To find out more about how coaching works, you can download:
- Case studies here on the experience and the coaching outcomes of three clients: Julia, Robert and John
- Thought papers on my coaching for leadership, coaching for career development, and cross-cultural coaching
- My article on ‘Planning for a very diverse workforce’ (published in ‘The HR Director’)
If you’d like to know more about how to evaluate the coaching you purchase or how to choose an executive coach, request our free report by clicking a button on the right of this page:
- For coaching sponsors such as HR Directors: ‘Evaluating executive coaching’
- For individuals: ‘How to choose the right coach’
I place great value on your privacy as a client, and client confidentiality is very important to me. To see how I build this into the service I provide, download the LWL Client Privacy Policy