
Leadership is complex and demanding

Leadership is a complex and demanding matter at the best of times.  It’s particularly complex and demanding in professional service firms such as law and accountancy.


Ambiguous authority and hidden hierarchy

In such firms not only is profit generated through each individual fee-earner’s billable hours, but the distribution and clarity of power is less clear, more diffuse and less demarcated than in other organisations. Leadership in professional service firms rests on what the Cass Business School report ‘Who’s in charge? Exploring Leadership Dynamics in Professional Service Firms’ (Initial Report for Practitioners by Laura Empson, Professor in the Management of Professional Service Firms, Cass Business School – June, 2013) refers to as ambiguous authority and hidden hierarchy: a combination, as Professor Empson says, ‘of extensive individual autonomy and contingent authority’.

This autonomy and authority are intertwined with the trust and decision-making via consensus that often come from partners working together over many years without formal or structured decision-making processes, or clearly-defined roles for senior and managing partners.

At the same time autonomy and influence dance together in a very particular way.


Reluctant leaders and limited innovation

In my experience, in such firms established territory may be fiercely protected, there may be a lack of delegation because fee-earners like to do things themselves, individuals may be reluctant to take on leadership responsibilities because the latter eat into their fee-earning time, and non-billable activities such as personal development and business services may be implicitly or explicitly under-valued by comparison with a focus on client satisfaction at all costs.  Long-established working relationships amongst fee-earners, and partners in particular, can lead to the collusion that comes from seeking harmony and from the preservation of long-established working methods and traditions, and can inhibit innovation or the introduction of new perspectives on, for example, the concepts of management and leadership.

Equal and opposite, the strong bonds can enable effective collaboration which enables productive engagement with difficult issues.


Significant change through embracing learning

One of the most energetic learners amongst clients I have worked with in professional service firms was long-established, enacting equally long-established behaviours that he recognised – with considerable courage – were common in his group and were inhibiting the performance of the group. His thirst for learning, and his readiness to change, particularly in relation to competences which were unfamiliar to him – such as the areas covered by the coaching programme – meant that he embraced the learning and the new experiences he encountered in coaching, took them into his working context, delegated in a way he had never done before, demonstrated his trust in the competences of his team, had more honest and constructively supportive conversations than previously – and found completely new meaning in his work, to the benefit of his firm.

He became a much more inspiring and engaging leader.


Systemic constellations and the bonds of belonging

I know from my work in the area of systemic constellations that the bonds of belonging in a system such as a professional service firm are immensely powerful. At the same time, the autonomy and the flex that ambiguity makes possible can allow change – and equally, can inhibit it if it is just too threatening to the established order.



 Photo by Yogesh Mhatre via Compfight



Leadership in professional service firms

Leadership is particularly complex and demanding in professional service firms such as law and accountancy. In such firms not only is profit generated through each fee-earner's billable hours, but the distribution and clarity of power is less clear, more diffuse and less demarcated than in other organisations. Leadership is an ambiguous matter of high autonomy and yet often high consensus.

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Do you know when to stop? My latest article in Coaching at Work

When is coaching actually performance management? My reflection column in the May issue of Coaching at Work explores my experience that there’s no clear, constant, easily-definable line between the two.

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A Bigger Conversation

Relationships - between people, and between people and events, behaviours, beliefs, cultures and outputs - are the key to organisational health. Sometimes skilled, capable and experienced leaders don't seem fully able to occupy their authority, sometimes the same challenge seems to recur repeatedly. Such challenges may require a Bigger Conversation: a conversation that addresses not just individuals or individual issues, but which sees them as an ecosystem.

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Influence, impact and culture change: a systemic view

When a new broom comes in to a senior role with high expectations, but is inexplicably unable to occupy their authority, the situation can benefit from a systemic constellations perspective. This means looking at what might have been ignored in the organisation’s remembering, what or who might have been excluded or unacknowledged - and especially what might not have been acknowledged about the contribution of a previous occupant of the role. Energy is then released and the leader is freed up to do what they do best.

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Letting go of knowing: new article in 'Coaching at Work'

Clients and potential clients respond with more energy to their experience of how I am than to what I know - and equally, who I am, and how my ‘being’ shows up, have a significantly greater impact on my coaching than what I do.

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Compassionate leadership

Compassion at work increases our willingness to trust: our brains respond more positively to bosses who have shown us empathy – and compassion increases the health and wellbeing not only of employees but also of the bottom line. When compassion is low, engagement and levels of discretionary effort are low, retention and recruitment are more difficult, stress and absenteeism are high, and success becomes more elusive.

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Nourish Your Practice: new article in Coaching at Work

My article 'Nourish Your Practice' has been published in Coaching at Work January 2017. My reflection before and after every coaching session is an intrinsic part of any coaching that I deliver: without it I would be simply skimming across the surface of what is actually going on and what the possibilities for change could be. I encourage my clients to reflect too.

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Practitioner in Systemic Coaching and Facilitation

I've achieved the Practitioner Certificate in Systemic Coaching and Facilitation. My use of constellations - which are a key part of this work - facilitates clients' growth through my coaching. The approach illuminates the hidden dynamics in relationships, teams and organisations, clarifies what may be puzzling or unclear or difficult, and enables change to happen at a level beyond only behaviour management or leadership models.

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Neuroscience of gender and performance

In a recent article in 'Coaching at Work' I distil learning from a workshop on the Neuroscience of Gender and Performance. Nurture rather than nature accounts for many of the gender differences we observe in the workplace: male and female brains aren't as different as we're used to thinking.

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'What lies beyond': my latest article in Coaching at Work

Attending the cremation of a previous client, and being surrounded by dozens of people who had been part of his life, made me realise that in a coaching relationship I hear and see only a tiny window on the client: their stories reflect just a fraction of who they are - and if I am to deliver real value in my coaching, I need to go far beyond the constraints of the coaching objectives to a deep understanding of who the client is, and can be, in their contexts and systems.

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