The Neuroscience of Wellbeing, Stress and Mindfulness

The next workshop in our series, which started with our events in early 2013, is entitled ‘The Neuroscience of Wellbeing, Stress and Mindfulness’ and will take place on Thursday, 19 June 2014 from 13:30 to 17:00 at the Gestalt Centre in London.
It will engage with the following questions:
- What clues can neuroscience can offer us about how to maximise wellbeing at work?
- What is the impact of stress on your brain and behaviour – and on your client’s?
- What happens to the structure of the brain and its effective functioning when you practise mindfulness?
Neuroscience is providing new and cutting edge information about how our brains operate and is stimulating new thinking about what makes us – and others – tick. It is also becoming increasingly recognised as a key tool in the development of high-impact leadership, employee engagement and the management of stress.
Lindsay Wittenberg and leadership coach Megan Evans are working in partnership with neuroscientist Dr Geoff Bird, of the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London, and the Institute of Cognitive Science, UCL for this workshop. The workshop will blend Geoff’s presentations with the opportunity to reflect in groups and individually on how we want to integrate our learning from those presentations into our practice, both as leaders ourselves and as developers of others’ leadership. Their wellbeing is, of course, implicit in their leadership.
Dr Geoff Bird is unique as a practising academic neuroscientist – supervising experiments and publishing research – as he is also trained as an executive coach and is able to translate his findings to the business and organisational world. For more information on Dr Geoff Bird please see
Besides the learning that the event will offer, this will be a valuable opportunity for participants to network with their peers in coaching, consultancy, leadership development, training, financial services, HR and indeed any professional who’s managing, leading, facilitating or developing others.
The workshop is SOLD OUT but will be running again on Thurs 6th Nov 13.30-17.00. Please e-mail to be added to the mailing list and be offered the opportunity to register.
Photo by Mark Miller via Compfight