blog: news and opinion
Mindfulness: coaching the leader
10th June 2013Mindfulness training and practice enable sustained attention, an improved capacity to regulate emotions and to manage that chatter in the mind that can so inhibit constructive thinking, reduced stress levels and increased resilience and well-being. How will my clients benefit from my training in mindfulness.
Read more »Mindfulness, leadership and results
3rd June 2013Mindful awareness is about learning to pay attention, in the present moment, and without judgement. It's like training a muscle - training attention to be where you want it to be. It's a valuable tool for impactful leadership.
Read more »Building blocks of healthy relationships: autonomy
24th May 2013Leaders who treat their people as autonomous adults are likely to get the best out of them: an autocratic style gets quick, short-term results but anything less than an empowering style doesn’t adequately nurture the discretionary effort and engagement that are essential for organisational success.
Read more »Building blocks of healthy relationships: respect, care and listening
10th May 2013Through healthy relationships individuals flourish, they become balanced and resilient, and they contribute to the world around them with energy and commitment. In such circumstances it’s relatively easy for people to learn how to manage their emotions by articulating them and being heard rather than judged. The messages for leadership are clear.
Read more »Relationships: the leader’s secret weapon
3rd May 2013Leaders are sometimes tempted to focus on the task and the process for fulfilling that task. Such an approach may bring short-term results, but the real differences are made when the leader focuses on strengthening relationships, listening and building trust.
Read more »Neuroscience and the leader
26th April 2013We all have not one but several selves, and several self-esteems, and it is in part the job of the coach to enable the coaching client to raise their awareness of their range of selves rather than of one self. Self-esteem varies according to context and we have several self-esteems alongside our several selves. The coach can play a valuable role in working with the coaching client to uncover and manage those self-esteems.
Read more »The path to authentic leadership
22nd April 2013An authentic leader is true to himself or herself, who therefore engenders trust, who leverages the potential of diversity, and who is able to manage with integrity the tensions between their own agenda and that of their organisation. The first and most fundamental step on this path is the journey towards self-awareness.
Read more »The authentic leader
15th April 2013We all deliver our best by being who we are – and for most of us that means learning how to become who we are. Leaders who accept and embrace their authenticity often find both personal peace and an energy and focus that means they leverage their strengths with courage and assertiveness and empower their teams to deliver authentically too.
Read more »Partnering with Ferri Montana
11th April 2013LWL is partnering with Ferri Montana Ltd, a niche consulting practice focusing on organisational development.
Read more »Leaders in the firing line: on integrity, commitment and passion
9th April 2013I’m privileged to be coaching UNICEF leaders again. They need a challenging blend of mastery of people skills, diplomatic skills, technical skills, knowledge, vision, initiative, adaptability, resilience and endurance. Stress levels are high, and the most basic resources in their environments are often lacking. Their integrity and their passion for their cause – the promotion and defence of children’s rights, survival, security and protection – are dazzling and humbling. It’s unbelievably inspiring and energising to be working with them.
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