I recently had the sad experience of attending the cremation of a former client. As I sat, surrounded by dozens of people who had been part of his life, it came home to me forcefully that in a coaching relationship I hear and see only a tiny window on the client: their stories reflect just a fraction of who they are.
I realised that I could easily jump to assumptions and interpretations based on the fragments of evidence that emerge in the coaching encounter, whereas my task is to discover and focus on what is at the heart of what the client brings – and to enable sustainable change.
This event reinforced for me that if I am to deliver real value in my coaching, I need to go far beyond the constraints of the coaching objectives to a deep understanding of who the client is, and can be, in their contexts and systems.
My article on the subject has been published in ‘Coaching at Work’. Subscribers can see it here. Otherwise please e-mail me at for a pdf
Photo by C. P. Ewing via Compfight
'What lies beyond': my latest article in Coaching at Work
Attending the cremation of a previous client, and being surrounded by dozens of people who had been part of his life, made me realise that in a coaching relationship I hear and see only a tiny window on the client: their stories reflect just a fraction of who they are - and if I am to deliver real value in my coaching, I need to go far beyond the constraints of the coaching objectives to a deep understanding of who the client is, and can be, in their contexts and systems.
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Knowledge and experience alone may have little or nothing to do with what makes for an excellent coach – and yet until now many of the principles underlying coach assessment have been about competencies. Tatiana Bachkirova and Carmelina Lawton-Smith (2015), of Oxford Brookes University, argue that the complexity and unpredictability of coaching may need a new model, and they propose a capabilities approach rather than a competencies approach.
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Following a sell-out we are repeating our workshop on ‘Neuroscience, Gender and Performance’ in London on Thursday 24 November 2016 14.00 to 17.00. If you would like further details or to attend, please watch this space for information on how to sign up, or e-mail to to be added to the mailing list.
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