Approaching the finishing line of the 30 Day Challenge

As the 30 Day Challenge draws to a close, I’m reflecting on the experience, on the outcomes and on my learning.
It’s been an intensive 30 days (see more at my blog ‘Connect’)
While many things have been different in style, delivery and of course content from my executive coaching, in some ways I imagine the experience of this intensive learning for me has been like the experience of some of my coaching clients: I’ve been confronted by a challenge I set myself, my learning’s been stretched by both John Williams and Selina Barker, who deliver the programme (and also by other participants), I’ve been held accountable, I’ve gained some insights about myself and I’ve also been well supported.
I’ve created a learning log so that I keep track of my changing experience, and I’ve found that as my learning expands – especially about blogging and social networking – new doors open into areas I hadn’t ever anticipated.
And I’ve without doubt achieved the results I wanted: my objective was to start blogging twice a week, which I’ve done, in order to start to create a document which records my thinking on executive coaching and leadership, and connections between the two.
In the process, I’ve become more alert (with the help of my learning log) to situations and subjects that stimulate my thinking and that might be appropriate to blog about. A statement of my philosophy seems to be coming together through my blogging reflections. Every coach develops their own approach, for which they become known, and that profile tends to both deepen and crystallise over time. The same is true of leaders, and I’m starting to see the power of blogging for developing thought leadership.
There have been some surprises for me too: I didn’t anticipate especially enjoying the process of recording my thinking in this way, whereas in reality I’ve found it easier and more fun than I thought I would: I feel ‘in the groove’. I’m seeing some themes emerge, in my head if not yet on the page. And I’m intrigued by the power of an online community which has demonstrated itself to be energetic, supportive and enthusiastic, albeit helped along by an in-person gathering that significantly contributed to consolidating relationships.
Now I’m curious about where next. Having started the whole thing as a bit of an experiment, it’s actually taken on some reality. I’m keen to explore how to get anyone reading my blog and to build that readership. What will emerge as topics and threads that readers are interested in – and where will my own curiosity take me?
Photo by Michiel van Nimwegen via Compfight